Thursday, October 8, 2009

Love is in the air...

This time of year always makes me in a great mood. I love how my eyes are slowly stimulated by the leaves changing their color from green to red, yellow and orange. I love how this weather always makes me want to turn the fireplace on and cuddle up with a good book in my hand. These days, I have all the time in the world to read a good book. (That reminds me, if you guys are reading this and have a book in mind, feel free to recommend a few to me). But the reason I love this time of year is because of the MLB playoffs.

From left to right: my Uncle Rudy and my dad, Robert

You see, I've played softball since I was 10 years old. It is truly one of my great achievements in life. I've always loved the Yankees, however, I grew up going to Rangers games with my dad. He would ask me, on occasion before heading off to school, if I felt like being sick--that was code for, "Do you want to go to a Ranger game today?" So like a good daughter, I would always reply with a "Yes sir!" So when 2 o'clock came along and the phone rang inside my classroom, I knew it was for me. When the teacher said that my dad has come to pick me up, my classmates had asked where I was going. I smirked and said that I was on my way to see "Dr. Pudge Rodriguez" and "Dr. Rusty Greer." I know the Ballpark in Arlington like the back of my hand.

my friend, Cathy

I still enjoy going to see them play. This year, I bought a booklet worth $700 of ticket vouchers for only $40! I must have gone to 10 games this year. I loved going to the ballpark this year because I got to see Omar Vizquel, firsthand. He is hands down, one of the greatest, overlooked shortstops that baseball has ever seen. I grew up watching this guy play for the Mariners and the Indians--I tried mimicking his moves when I played ball. The Rangers had a great run until they screwed it all up by losing too many games at the end of the season--but I am hopeful for next year. I like the Rangers only because they are the closest team to home, but I absolutely love the Yankees. And by the way, I always root for the Yankees when they play the Rangers. I can't help how I feel about the Bronx Bombers. My uncle told me when I was nine that I should love the team in the striped uniforms. Without knowing what they had achieved, I said "OK."

my friend, Bianca

I told you I get side-tracked. Anyways, back to this time of year. I love October baseball. The Yanks are in the playoffs and they won game 1. Soon, it will get colder and hopefully the Bombers will still be playing so that I can wear my thick, navy blue Yankee jacket. My voice will get hoarse and the TV will be blaring.

I love this game. It's strategic, yet frustrating. Heart-wrenching, yet addicting. This is my first love and it will be my last.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hi, My name is...

So, this is my first blog I've ever written and I feel the need to introduce myself. I can be long-winded and extremely random most of the time. But for this blog's sake, I'll try to stay on track.

I've attended the same church, Mighty Wind Worship Center, since I was 7 years old. After graduating from high school in 2001, I wasn't very involved in the church activities. It wasn't until last June when my grandma passed away that I became intensely involved with the college ministry. (My grandma was a devout Christian--but I'll speak of her at a more appropriate time). I became so blessed by this ministry that I started to devote much of my free time with my new found friends from church.

It wasn't until I was 3 months deep into the ministry that I decided to look up the meaning of my name. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it means "Servant of God." Here I was just getting my feet wet and this is what God intended for me all along. You see, I've never had enough money saved up to go anywhere like Africa, South America, or any Asian country to do missions. I do the best I can right here in my hometown. This is where God has placed me for the moment until He's good and ready for me to pack up and leave.

Since graduating from Baylor in August, I haven't been able to find a job for me to use my degree and those loan repayments are coming soon, but I trust that something will come up. So for the meantime, I've looked into assistant teaching in Japan with the Jet Program which would be awesome if I get accepted into the program. I mean seriously, when will be the next time I'll be able to say that I worked and lived in Japan for a year? And who knows, I might like it so much and teach for another year. I've also looked into being an officer in the Navy. This idea has been in the back of my mind ever since my brother, Robert Jr., enlisted in the Navy when I was 11 years old. He told me about his traveling experiences to the Mediterranean, Japan, as well as being stationed in Puerto Rico for 3 months. I'm what many people consider a busy body and I feel like this would be the perfect job for me.

I've decided that I'm not going to have a mediocre job. I finally realized that when my life has run its course, I want my obituary to say that I honorably served my country; I traveled to places near and far; I was an avid volunteer to many (not just one) non-profit organization; I did missions; I learned how to play the piano; I received my pilot's license; I went skydiving at the ripe old age of 80...amongst many other things I have on my "Bucket List."

This might sound cliche, but I feel like I have the entire world at the palm of my hands right now. But for now, I am happy waiting patiently on what God has in store for me.

Love to all,